6. Thematic funds
Thematic funds refer to funds that are tied up in companies whose activities contribute to sustainable development. These funds are mainly involved in sectors such as renewable energy, water and waste management or the health sector. It is worth noting, however, that these funds do not systematically conform to the ESG (environment, social and corporate governance) principles which are generally taken into account by other responsible investment funds. Novethic, a French resource centre on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and socially responsible investment (SRI), identified 7 thematic funds which also include all the ESG criteria: Parworld environmental Opportunities (BNP PAM), FLF equity environnmental Sustainability World (Fortis IM), CA Aqua Global (I.De.A.M) Sarasin Oekosar equity Global (Sarasin), Living Planet Fund (Sarasin), Sarasin new Power fund (Sarasin) and UBS equity Fund-Global Innovators (UBS GAM) 1 .